• 11 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 4 Files

  • Welcome to the Bootcamp!

  • How the Bootcamp Works

  • Zoom Details

  • Part 1: The Market (Monday 1/22)

  • Part 2: The Message (Tuesday 1/23)

  • Part 3: The Machine (Wednesday 1/24)

  • Part 4: The Magic (Thursday 1/25)

  • BONUS Session #1 (Friday 1/26)

  • BONUS Session #2 (Wednesday 1/31)

  • Setting Up Your FB (Meta) Ad Account

  • (NEW) Facebook Audience Crash Course

  • (NEW) How to Make Cool (Simple) Pictures for Your Ads

  • Level 3 Lead Magnet Training

  • Master Your Market With AI